News & Events

COVID-19 presents a very serious risk to the ongoing health and safety of trainees, employees, contractors, volunteers and visitors to the Centre’s campuses and off-site third-party training locations. As a provincially recognized Training Delivery Agent and an employer, the Centre has an obligation to take all necessary steps to protect the health and safety of […]

New 2019/2020 Program Guide
The LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre has launched its’ 2019/2020 Program Guide. Please register now as spaces fill up quickly for our apprenticeship and construction skills programs. You can book on line or by visiting our administrative offices at 1263 Wilson Avenue, Suite 301 East Wing

AECON Women In the Trades Partnership
Thank you Daily Commercial News for showcasing our AECON Women in the Trades Partnership! Click the link below to check out the article !! Aecon, LIUNA join forces on Women in Trades program

2019 Skills Ontario Competition
LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre, LiUNA Local 506 Training Centre, LiUNA Local 837 Training Centre and LiUNA Canada partnered together for the 2019 Skills Ontario Competition hosted at the Toronto Congress Centre on May 6th & 7th! Our main focus this year for Skills Ontario was Cement Finishing. LiUNA Local 183, 506 and 837 training […]

Make Your Future Event 2019
LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre was happy to be a part of the second annual Make Your Future Event, which was held at Westview Centennial Secondary School on April 25, 2019. This was a valued opportunity presented to youth from the Toronto District School Board focused in the Jane and Finch area. It is a career […]

Kagita Mikam Partnership – Bridge Construction Program
We would like to congratulate our recent Kagita Mikam graduates on their successful completion of the Bridge Construction program. We wish them great success in their careers. Please browse the pictures and videos to take a closer look into the trainees’ experience in the program.

LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre is now recruiting trainees for the following programs Residential Trim (March 25, 2019), Concrete & Drain (March 25, 2019), Cement Finisher Level 2 Apprenticeship (March 25, 2019), Tile Setting (April 8, 2019), and Brick and Stone Mason Level 1 Apprenticeship Program (April 30, 2019). All programs will be held at […]

Classes Cancelled – February 12, 2019
Due to tomorrow’s forecast ALL classes at ALL campuses will be CANCELLED. This includes Construction Skills, Apprenticeship Training and Health & Safety Training. If you have any further questions please contact our office at (416) 242-7551. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Welcome Back!!!
Welcome back to our Fall training semester! Here are some pictures from our past month. The courses featured are High Rise Rodman, Construction Craft Worker Level 1 Apprenticeship and Ontario Youth Apprenticeship students! What a great start to the season!!

TPS Regent Park Skills Event
The LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre was proud to partner with Toronto Police Services for the Regent Park Skills Event on August 21 and 22. The event was held to encourage youth from the Regent Park community and surrounding areas, to consider a career in the construction industry. Our instructors were on site to provide […]

NOW RECRUITING!!! For the High Rise Rodman Construction Skills Training Program
LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre is now recruiting trainees for the High Rise Rodman Construction Skills Training Program. Possibility of employment for successful candidates, upon completion of the program. The program will start on Monday August 20, 2018 to Friday September 7, 2018 (3 Weeks) and will be held at our Vaughan Campus. To register […]

New 2018-2019 Program Guide!
The LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre has launched its’ 2018-2019 Program Guide. Please register now as spaces fill up quickly for our apprenticeship and construction skills programs. You can book on line or by visiting our administrative offices at 1263 Wilson Avenue, Suite 301 East Wing